Liver is a very important organ which helps digest food, detoxify body and has important role in clotting mechanisms of the body. When liver fails scar tissue is formed in liver and its functioning gets impaired. Initially the healthy part of liver tries to compensate for the changes and that’s why first the signs and symptoms develop very slowly and then peak abruptly. Most people are not able to cope with this sudden peak of signs and symptoms. A recently published systematic review found the most frequently reported symptoms in patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) were pain, breathlessness, muscle cramps, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety and erectile dysfunction; however, these issues are seldom addressed by hepatologists.
Early introduction of palliative care helps one get relief of these issues. Overtime these issues become more and more severe and restrict ones activities of daily living. Palliative care helps prepare these patients and families for the future course of disease and also helps them to understand the illness. It also coordinates care with your primary doctor and supports one through symptomatic relief.
Dharamshila Rahat offers symptomatic care to these patients with end stage liver disease, cirrhosis of liver, incurable liver cancers and help them maintain their quality of life. It also focuses on issues like pain management which otherwise are neglected in a conventional medical setup.
Facilities and Services being offered at Dharamshila Rahat Medical Centre